Categories: KA1 COURSES



Course organisers will send to the participants a list of materials related to the course topic that they can read in order to prepare for the course. Organisers will assist the participants if they need information related to the accommodation, flight tickets, etc. It is recommended that the participants sign up on tools such as Kahoot, Socrative, Khan Academy, etc before attending the course. Participants should also bring their smart phones or tablets or laptops.


Course description

The course focuses on various strategies which imply using E-learning in education. Trainees will improve their theoretical knowledge and expertise in the area of digital classroom. They will also have a chance to see and try many different activities using ICT. Participants will practice how to use different tools available online – Kahoot, Socrative, Prezi, Khan Academy, etc. Trainees will also learn how to engage different groups of students in the digital classroom. They will also see how to adapt existing tasks and assignments in a way that they suit the needs of mixed ability classes.


The methodological approach implicates:

  • Ice – Breaking and Warm – Up Sessions;
  • Quizzes;
  • Role – Play;
  • Blogs;
  • Group Discussions;
  • Debates;
  • Problem – Solving Activities in Digital Classroom ;
  • Project – Solving Activities;
  • Action – Based Strategies;
  • Brainstorming;
  • Questionnaires


  • Improving teaching and communication skills
  • Improving students` motivation by using technology in  the classroom
  • Provide teachers with practical ideas on how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons
  • Getting teachers familiar with current Internet trends and how they can be applied in the lessons
  • Familiarize teachers with the uses and functions of the Moodle platform
  • Familiarize teachers with different opportunities of how to use Google (Webquest)
  • Allow teachers to create their own courses and workshops on the Moodle platform

Learning Outcomes

  • Improvement at the level of key competences and IT skills
  • Being familiar with apps/platforms that can be used in school to enhance students’ motivation
  • Learning how to use Kahoot and Socrative and implement quizzes in the classroom
  • Learning how to implement Information and Communication Technologies’(ICT) in teaching and learning
  • Improvement of language and communication skills
  • Getting practical ideas for the classroom to motivate the students
  • Internationalisation at the level of education
  • Enhance diversity and intercultural awareness, critical thinking and cyber media literacy
  • Improvement of language and communication skills
  • Getting practical ideas for the classroom to motivate the students
  • Internationalisation at the level of education
  • Improved abilities to use innovative and student-centered pedagogical approaches and to develop appropriate assessment and certification methods, based on learning outcomes
  • Development of tools and techniques for innovative problem solving.



Trainees will be given soft and hard copies of all lesson materials, which they can present to their colleagues in their own organizations to generate interest in 21st-century teaching methods with creative thinking. In addition, a mailing list of participants will be created in order to exchange ideas/experiences. Self-evaluation materials will be provided. At the end of the course the participants will accomplish a questionnaire in order to get a detailed feedback for the effectiveness of the training event.

If you want to have a place in this course, please contact us at info@easyerasmus.com This course will take a place in Turkey
