Traineeships in the European Commission Deadline 31 August
|Traineeships in the European Commission:
3 reasons why you should apply
Are you ready for traineeships in the European Commission? European Commission offers great opportunity for people who wants to be part of European Commission. Its paid traineeships in Brussel.
Do not miss out on this great opportunity! The deadlines for the two 5-month traineeship sessions at the European Commission are at the end of January and August. Here are three reasons backed up by three videos from former trainees that explain why you should apply.
1. Trainees have clear and defined responsibilities
When you start a traineeship at the European Commission, do not expect to be side-lined by your colleagues or your supervisor. Depending on your position, you could be asked to participate to the recruitment of new staff members, develop new social media strategies, assess the quality of projects submitting proposals for funding. You may also happen to be given important responsibilities, especially when it comes to new projects and new political priorities. An example among many: during the October 2016 session, that ended in March 2017, many trainees from different Commissioners’ cabinets, Directorates-General and agencies were actively involved in the launch of the European Solidarity Corps, dealing with the communication, financial and juridical aspects of the Commission’s new proposal. Trainees enjoy full trust within the Commission, but also freedom in the way they can contribute and propose new ideas. One important tip: be proactive during your traineeship!
2. It is a learning experience
Doyou know that the traineeship is not only about working? It offers an insight into the functioning of EU institutions and of the Commission itself. Through conferences, seminars and activities, you will get the chance to meet high ranking officials and Commissioners from different key political areas. The opportunities for learning, having fun, and getting to know each other are countless. Trainees voluntarily participate in sub-committees, focused on all kinds of topics and activities: language courses, participatory leadership, sports, environment, LGBT rights, movies, business, traveling and so on. You’ll get to know the EU, but also Brussels and familiarise yourself with the Belgian culture (or Luxembourgish, if you are based in Luxembourg!). Visit the Trainees Committe website to find out more.
3. You will make long-lasting friendships and build your network
There is no better way to kick off a career within the EU institutions or any other international organisation than a traineeship at the European Commission. Not just because of the professional skills you will be equipped with, but also because of the large network of contacts you can build. Think of it as a professional Erasmus course, with people from all 28 Member States and even other continents. A certain number of trainee positions are actually reserved for non-EU citizens, from neighbouring and other countries. You will build close friendships but also a network of trusted colleagues which is fundamental in finding your way into the EU job market — in case you decide to continue working in this field. If you stay in Brussels or Luxembourg, rest assured that you will bump into some trainees from your session in meetings, Commission’s canteens, cafés and parties.
Watch the stories of the trainees from the October 2016 and March 2017 sessions in the videos below. Good news: most of them got the chance to extend their stay at the Commission. Enjoy watching!
Paolo, 26 years old, is a former trainee at the communication unit of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS). He is currently working in the Trainees’ Committee (DG for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture).
Chara and Victor are former trainees at the Country Analysis unit of the DG for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC) and the human resources unit of EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises). Both are currently working in EAC.
Marek and Joey are former trainees from the Audiovisual Service in DG Communication and the South-America division at the EEAS (European External Action Service).
Interested in our traineeship programme? Click here to apply!