Training Course 19-23 March 2017 | Austria
The Art of Dialogue Training
The aim of the training is to support participants in getting a better understanding and useful analytical tools to analyse their local, regional and national realities when it comes to youth participation and the structured Dialogue.
Interkulturelles Zentrum NA Austria (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from:
Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Application deadline:
4 February 2017
The Art of Dialogue Training
Training Course
19-23 March 2017 | Austria
Since 2014 the implementation of the Structured Dialog in Austria has been very successful on a local, regional and national level. This instrument to take part in an EU decision making processes has become an important part of the participation of people involved in youth politics within Austria.
The Austrian National Working Group on the Structured Dialogue would like to share the positive experience of using Art of Hosting elements for the Structured Dialogue process in Austria and also learn about the implementation in other countires.
We want to empower them to find good strategies and goals to use levers to bring youth participation one step forward. We want to do so with methods and attitudes that have proven very successful in Austria over the last two years, namely Art of Hosting, multi stakeholder approach, The Way of Council and Theory U.
We want to contribute to a culture of participation that brings joy.
Intended Outcomes:
● Identify (new) approaches how to engage young people and decisions makers to work together for a world that works for all
● Stakeholder analysis, purpose and aims of projects and structures for youth participation (how to do projects that involve many different stakeholders – get analytic tools for youth participation structures)
● Promote dialogue as an attitude towards a participatory culture
● Identify success factors and potential national acupuncture points for a change of attitude towards youth participation