Categories: ERASMUS+



Protection and safety of participants involved in the Erasmus+ projects are important principles of the Programme. All persons participating in the Erasmus+ Programme should have the opportunity to take full advantage of the possibilities for personal and professional development and learning. This could only be assured in a safe environment which respects and protects rights of all persons.

To this end each organisation participating in the Erasmus+ Programme must have in place effective procedures and arrangements to promote and guarantee the safety and protection of the participants in their project. With this regard, all students, trainees, apprentices, pupils, adult learners, young people, staff and volunteers, involved in a mobility activity under the Key Actions 1 or 2 of the Erasmus+ Programme, must be insured against the risks linked to their participation in these activities. Apart from the European Voluntary Service which foresees a specific insurance policy (see Annex I of this Guide), the Erasmus+ Programme does not define a unique format of insurance, nor does it recommend specific insurance companies. The Programme leaves it up to project organisers to seek the most suitable insurance policy according to the type of project carried out and to the insurance formats available at national level. Furthermore, it is not necessary to subscribe to a project-specific insurance, if the participants are already covered by existing insurance policies of the project organisers.

In either case, the following areas must be covered:

 wherever relevant, travel insurance (including damage or loss of luggage);

 third party liability (including, wherever appropriate, professional indemnity or insurance for responsibility);

 accident and serious illness (including permanent or temporary incapacity);

 death (including repatriation in case of projects carried out abroad).

If applicable, it is strongly recommended that participants in transnational projects are in possession of a European Health Insurance Card. This is a free card that gives access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 28 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. More information on the card and on how to obtain it is available at http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=559. Finally, if projects involve young people under 18, participating organisations are required to obtain the prior authorisation of participation from their parents or those acting on their behalf.
