Seminar / Conference 28-30 September 2016 | Tirana, Albania Conference Together for NEET Cross Sectoral Conference to foster synergies between labor market, Education Institutions, Youth Sector for a
Seminar / Conference 28-30 September 2016 | Paris, France National Tool Fair in French Language (Foire aux outils pédagogiques), Paris 2016 French National Agency organises with the support
Seminar / Conference 22-23 September 2016 | Montreuil, France EVS 20th Anniversary Event The French NA organizes a 2 days event near Paris in order to celebrate the
Training Course 15-24 August 2016 | Sierra de Vicor (Zaragoza), Spain Dis-connect is an innovative training for youth workers focused on providing the participants with applicable tools for
This Seminar / Conference is for 37 participants from Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and recommended for Youth workers, Youth
This Training Course is for 40 participants from Morocco, Sweden and recommended for Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, EVS mentors/tutors, School teachers Working language(s): Arabic & Swedish Training
Erasmus, the world’s most successful student exchange programme. More than three million students have benefitted from a study period or work placement abroad since the creation of the
Turkish National Agency has announced the results for KA1-KA2- and KA3 for youth Round 1 2016. Totally 1049 application has been received and total 148 project funded
The Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe – known as EPALE – is a new initiative funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It is open to teachers, trainers
The Eurydice network primarily focuses on the way education in Europe is structured and organised at all levels and aims at contributing towards a better mutual understanding of
SPORT Actions in the field of sport will support: Collaborative Partnerships, aimed at promoting the integrity of Sport (anti-doping, fight against match fixing, protection of minors), supporting
The Jean Monnet Activities will support: Academic Modules, Chairs, Centres of Excellence in order to deepen teaching in European integration studies embodied in an official curriculum of
This Key Action supports: Mobility of learners and staff: opportunities for students, trainees, young people and volunteers, as well as for professors, teachers, trainers, youth workers, staff
PROTECTION AND SAFETY OF PARTICIPANTS Protection and safety of participants involved in the Erasmus+ projects are important principles of the Programme. All persons participating in the Erasmus+ Programme
Turkish National Agency announced the results for Mobility Project for Adult Education Staff. Here is the link for the funded project. ka1adulteducationturkey ka1adulteducationreserveturkey
Malta National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, , Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results Mobility-project-for-School-Education-Staff Mobility-Project-for-VET-Learners-and-Staff1 MTNA-KA1-HEIs1 Mobility-project-for-Adult-Education-Staff MTNA-KA1-R1-youth-20162
Italian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, , Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results Graduatoria_KA1_scuola_2016giu09 Graduatoria_KA1adulti_2016giu01 Graduatoria-KA105-R1-2016 (1)
Estonian National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results ErasmusEuroopa-Noored-eraldatud-toetused-2016
Cyprus National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results cypruska1results cypruska105results
Belgium National Agency has announced the result Erasmus+ Ka101, Ka102, Ka103, Ka104, Ka105 the deadline was 02.02.2016. Here is the links for the results belgiumka1results
Whats European Development Plan? What should you write there? Your European development plan should set the scene for your application – it should explain why you are applying
If you lose yourself among millions of websites to find correct national agencies around Europe, we just publish here all the list for national agencies. National Agency details
Almost all European National Agencies have finished to evaluate application forms applied by teachers all around Europe. Some of them have already published the results for Erasmus+ KA1,
Training Course 22-26 August 2016 | Caen, France Human rights education Training During 5 days, the International institute for human rights and peace offers an initiation to human
Training Course 19-24 October 2016 | Beaufort, Luxembourg Recognising learning for You(th)! A Training Course on recognising learning through non-formal learning activities, for youth workers and youth leaders
This article is designed to be an easy-to-understand guide now that the UK has voted to leave the European Union. What has happened? A referendum – a vote