Integrated curriculum – Teaching global skills through science & arts Erasmus+ KA1 Course
|Integrated curriculum – Teaching global skills through science & arts
Away with subjects?! Finland one of the first countries to reorganize the entire curriculum as integrated curriculum. Phenomena based learning replaces encyclopedic approach to learning objectives, a ”new pair of lenses that make teaching a lot more exciting and help us look forward into the next century. It is helping students take control of their own learning” (M. Markus, media specialist)
FOR PARTICIPANTS: click here for practical information (venue, hotels, transport etc.)
Target group
- School managers, that intend to include in their curriculum programs aimed at developing global skills
- Educational policy experts and advisers
- Teachers of different subjects from all levels from preschool to high school
- Teachers of special needs
- Teacher trainers, careers officers, educational guides and counsellors
- Educational consultants, teachers coachers
Main topics of this course
- Global skills, PISA 2018? communication, assessment of multiple perspectives, critical thinking, and awareness of global news and issues.
- Equal opportunities in teaching arts & science
- Phenomena based education tools for how to integrate curriculum
- Team teaching &collaborative teaching models and tools
- Fostering growth mindset in students (learning through trial and error)
- Getting to know “culturally situated art-based learning- intercultural issues critically and from multiple perspectives,
- Cultural aware communication, spontaneous education (course “what do we do/learn today?”
- Capacity building for sustained collaboration with stakeholders involved (museums, superior educational institutes, museums, research institutes.
- Digital support for equal opportunity, CLIL
Methodology of the course
- Experimental training- getting the information needed for each module of the training in an experimental manner learn by doing
- Sharing. Participants share experiences and expertise on the topic.
- Learn by doing- Working individually or in groups on a concrete product to be used in the own school.
- Visiting best practices (museums, university departments, holistic education best practices etc).
- Invited speakers and local artists
- The course participants will get a Certificate of active participation.
- The competences acquired will be validated by the course organisers on the Europass mobility.
Helsinki area, the European capital of design, integrated social perspective of ARTS and technology
Accommodation and meals
Participants take care of booking their hotel. Euneos will give advice for hotels in different price categories. Participants are free in choice of hotels and restaurants. Accommodation to be paid directly by participants to hotels and restaurants.
More information
Click here to read more about:
- Programme: click here
- Ilpo Halonen, Euneos coordinator
- Andreea Gatman, trainer& facilitator, MBA in PGM, M.U Vienna
- Guests, speakers from arts, music, museums