Ideas@work: Training Course on Social Entrepreneurship Salto Training
|Training Course 6-12 November 2017 | Hotel Holidays, Torre del Greco, Italy
Ideas@work: Training Course on Social Entrepreneurship
“Ideas@Work” is a training organized by YMCA Parthenope, we address the increasing problem of youth unemployment and the need of learning the social entrepreneurial skillset to enable youth workers to act on their own and adapt to the labour market.
YMCA Parthenope ONLUS (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from:
Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Turkey
Application deadline (24h CET):
15 September 2017
Ideas@work: Training Course on Social Entrepreneurship
Training Course
6-12 November 2017 | Hotel Holidays, Torre del Greco, Italy
Nowadays youngsters are facing new challenges; the fastly changing labour market, the climate- and political changes, the refugee crisis show that something need to change in the basis. All this requires new forms of employement where the activity is not only there to produce or give a service but also to give back to society and to the environment.
Modern youth workers and coaches need to be clear with the theme of ’social entrepreneurship’, be able to react on such quick changes and be able to transmit the message also for others. In our project we aim to break into parts the topic of social entrepreneurship, learn about its economic, environmental and social aspects, and see the responsibility of the individual in the system how he can care more about his surroundings and the environment.
We approach the topic of social entrepreneurship in a very practical way and want to give space and attention to youth workers to find and test their own solutions for the social and environmental issues what they find important to solve on local or international level.
The method what we are going to use is developed by our partner, ReCreativity Social Enterprise from Hungary. It is a combination of experimental learning and ’creative recycling’. Using this tool we develop life skills and entrepreneurial skills of youth workers.
The fact that we create from waste materials gives us the chance to look at creativity and design thinking in a holistic way where recycling does not only mean creating an object but also the re-discovery and re-usage of our own resources, senses and skills in order to connect in a real context.
In addition we support sustainability and this method will give us a new viewpoint, by working with waste materials. As we wan to maintain our planet we want to maintain also our society and social enterprise.
Check out the infoletter here: