Game-Based learning and Gamification
This course will offer techniques and tools to introduce game-based learning and gamification in your lessons. (NB! Benchmarking Serious Games is a different course, read description!)
FOR PARTICIPANTS: click here for practical information (venue, hotels, transport etc.)
Target group
- Teachers of primary schools, secondary schools and vocational schools.
- Adult education teachers.
- Teachers of special needs .
- Teacher trainers.
- Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors.
- Headmasters/principals/managers of schools and organizations offering adult education or vocational education.
Each participant needs to bring his own tablet and/or laptop. We don’t provide computers nor tablets.
Main topics of this course
- Usability and accessibility of the game based methods Advantages and disadvantages game based usages in educational processes
- A range wide of games that can be used covering different content and activities to support learning and communication
- Best practice approaches and practical examples for using game based tools and methods in education in different countries
- Responsible and safe use of game based learning and gamification
- Group sharing sessions to enable applying the social games in their classroom settings
- Designing, planning and writing sample units of lesson plans that deploy the game based methods
- Plan, create and map a curriculum specific lesson plans incorporating social media and curation applications
- Integrate game based strategies into technologies in a curriculum.
- Learn how to use the different features of game based learning in education
- Learn how to choose the best, most suitable start up games for classroom
- How to use and choose games for education
- Learn how to use game based for iPad, Android, Win8 and other mobile devices in learning.
- Learn how to gamify your classroom using computers and mobile devices.
- Flipped classroom. Strategies to flip the way you teach.
- Project based learning through co-creation.
- Immersive playing sessions.
Methodology of the course
- Information. A general introduction on each of the topics.
- Sharing. Participants share experiences and expertise on the topic.
- Creating output. Working individually or in groups on a concrete product to be used in the own school.
- The course participants will get a Certificate of active participation.
- The competences acquired will be validated by the course organisers on the Europass mobility.
Accommodation and meals
Participants take care of booking their hotel. Euneos will give advices for hotels in different price categories. Participants are free in choice of hotels and restaurants. Accommodation to be paid directly by participants to hotels and restaurants.
- Programme of Game-based learning course Barcelona April 2016: click here. The final programme will be published a few weeks before the course.
Different approach courses Helsinki/Tallinn and Barcelona
Benchmarking Learning with Serious Games (Helsinki / Tallinn)
Erasmus+ KA1 course “Benchmarking Learning with Serious Games” invites professionals of education to learn to know what learning with games can contribute to teaching, studying and learning. The course includes 7 days visits to schools and to other educational , cultural institutions and enterprises where participation in true working situations is going to fresh up one’s professional skills. Target schools, institutions and enterprises and the specific content of observations in there are defined according to participants. While benchmarking participants can get their own impressions, knowledge and skills by means of observation in working premises and by meeting colleagues at their work. There are presentations of experts about the main topics. The workshops run by experts help one to digest, reflect and restructure the large amount of input achieved during observations. Collaborative work is prepared, executed, assessed and diagnosed in cooperation with colleagues and with local presenters and trainers.
Game-based Learning and Gamification (Barcelona)
Erasmus+ KA1 course “Game-based Learning and Gamification” invites professionals of education to learn how game-based learning (GBL) and gamification could be best implemented in school practices. The 7-day-course is for those who have a special interest in adopting such methods in their own teaching, or who have possibly started to try them before. The course is run by the experts who coach the participants further into the world of GBL and gamification, and instruct them to choose the most suitable tools and methods for their teaching practices. The participants are guided to take new steps in their own learning path of the topic, and they share knowledge and skills by frequent discussions and other mutual communication with the trainers and with other trainees.
Main organiser
Ilpo Halonen