Whats European Development Plan? What should you write there?
Your European development plan should set the scene for your application – it should explain why you are applying for funding for KA1 or KA2 application, and where it sits within your future plans.
If your school doesn’t have a European Development Plan, don’t worry – it isn’t a complicated document to put together, but it will take some planning and reflection. Below you can find how to write your European Development Plan.
A European development plan should include:
An outline of your school’s current status
What European activities have you completed? What Continuing Professional Development do you do/ have you done?
A vision for the future
Where do you want to be in 1, 2, 5 or even 10 years’ time?
Identified needs
How will you get from where you are now to where you want to be?
Planned activities versus needs
How will your planned activities meet these identified needs?
Quick Tips:
• Make sure your plan focuses on internationalisation and modernisation
• Try and whittle it down to 3 or 4 key objectives (not 99!)
• Aims must be strategic, measurable, realistic, and therefore achievable
• The plan must identify staff development needs
• The plan must explain how new knowledge will be cascaded to other staff members