The aim of the project was to enhance the dialogue between European cultures and to decrease prejudices through active voluntary service. The participants through non-formal learning obtained basic competencies and skills.
During their placements the young volunteers had the chance to experience the activities providing support for those who are disadvantaged either due to their age, illnesses, disabilities or social situation. During these activities the volunteers gained comprehensive knowledge in the field of social support services, while acquiring a wide range of work experience. They also had the opportunity to test their own abilities and develop their skills, moreover their sense of solidarity increased. They can utilize these competences during their later career and these experiences can make them stand a bigger chance at getting job opportunities or admission to university or college.
Through their voluntary placement at an NGO the young participants could learn that individuals have an influence on their milieu, the local community, and the other way around, therefore they are responsible for the common good and can form the future of the community they live in. During their one-year placement the young volunteers got acquainted with Hungary, our nation, and they could also familiarize the local community with the virtues of their own culture.
9 volunteers participated in the project coming from 2 countries: 6 people from Germany, and 3 persons from Spain
Project start date for the volunteers: 01.09.2014
Project end date for the volunteers: 31.08.2015
The volunteers participated in a pre-departure and in an on-arrival training as well. At the volunteering sites the young participants were introduced to their tasks in a gradual manner, they learned the peculiarities of each site and client. In this process, observation and evaluation played important roles.
The volunteers could support the activities with their own ideas and creativity and for this they were supported by our colleagues.
The volunteers were placed at the following sites:
2013-HU-2: drop-in centre and playground (Debrecen)
2014-1-HU02-KA110-000441: family shelter, day care club for the elderly, day centre (Budapest)
2014-1-HU02-KA110-000447: playground, day care for disadvantaged children (Tatabánya)
2014-1-HU02-KA110-000446: family daycare (Nagykanizsa)
2014-1-HU02-KA110-000448: drop-in centre, family shelter, street outreach service (Kecskemét)
2014-1-HU02-KA110-000442: coordination HQ, elderly care, nursing home, office administration, international humanitarian aid projects (Budapest)
2015-1-HU02-KA110-000906: kindergarten and primary school for socially and economically disadvantaged children (Tarnabod).
2015-1-HU02-KA110-001144: day care centre for people with disabilities, mobile playground (Fehérgyarmat).
2015-1-HU02-KA110-001104: hostel and day centre for homeless people and administration work at the mobile TB screening unit(Budapest)