Turkish National Agency has announced Erasmus+ KA101 – KA102 – KA103 – KA116 – results for 2020. You can see the appoved and rejected projects in the following
Turkish National Agency has announced Erasmus+ KA105 results for 2020. You can see the appoved and rejected projects in the following link http://www.ua.gov.tr/haberler/2020-r1-erasmus-genclik-programi-ka105-bireylerin-ogrenme-hareketliligi-projeleri-basvuru-sonuclari/
Turkish National Agency has announced the results for KA105- KA125- KA205 and KA347 for 2018 Round 1. Here is the announcement from Turkish National Agency; 2018/R1 Erasmus+ Ana
Turkish National Agency has announced KA102 results for 2018. Total 518 projects have been funded. Here you can see the funded projects; And here is the reserve list;
Turkish National Agency has announced KA104 results for 2018. Total 18 projects have been funded… Here you can the funded projects; And here is the reserve list
Turkish National Agency has announced KA101 results. Over 4000 applications have been received by Turkish National Agency and only 166 projects have been funded. Here is the list
2018 Yılı Teklif Çağrısı Erasmus+ Program Ülkeleri ile Ortak Ülkeler arasında Yükseköğretim Öğrenci ve Personel Hareketliliği Başvuru Sonuçları Değerli Başvuru Sahipleri, 2018 yılı Erasmus+ Ana Eylem 1 Bireylerin
Turkish National Agency has announced the results for KA101 2017. Total 3500 projects applications have been received and only 113 projects have been funded. Here you can find
Turkish National Agency has announced the results for KA105, KA205 and KA347 for Erasmus+ Youth Round 1. From total 775 applications only 123 projects have been funded. Here
Turkish National Agency has announced Ka104 Results for 2017. Among 376 projects, only 25 projects have been funded by Turkish National Agency. 18 project have been put on
We prepared statistic for KA1 Results in Turkey. Here you can see some of them. We are preparing for all other national agencies also. As we mentioned our
Turkish National Agency has announced the KA1 results. They have also explained how many project application received during the project call. Total 3246 project application has been received
Turkish National Agency has announced the results for KA1-KA2- and KA3 for youth Round 1 2016. Totally 1049 application has been received and total 148 project funded
Turkish National Agency announced the results for Mobility Project for Adult Education Staff. Here is the link for the funded project. ka1adulteducationturkey ka1adulteducationreserveturkey www.ua.gov.tr/