Mobility Tool+ is a web platform tool for collaboration, management and reporting for mobility projects under the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) and under the Erasmus+ Programme of the
While writing a good proposal for Erasmus+ Ka2 Strategical School Partnership, you have two options for mobilities. One option is only transnational mobilities which is only for teachers
What is Erasmus+ KA1? The Erasmus+ programme replaces the previous Life Long Learning programme. It provides funding for activities in education, training, youth and sport in all sectors
Finding a good partner is very crucial for Erasmus+ projects. Today, we will give you some clues about finding good partners and also some useful information from Commission
Swedish National Agency has announced the results. Unfortunately they havent announced the results on their website. Here is contact information for Swedish National Agency; Sweden Tel: +46(0)8-566 219
Erasmus+ toetab Eesti hariduse rahvusvahelist koostööd 10 miljoni euroga Erasmus+ programmi toetatud tegevused jagunevad õpirändeks ja strateegiliseks koostööks. Õpirändesse saab minna vähemalt 3212 osalejat ning toetust sai 11
German National Agency has announced the results for KA219 Projects. In 2016, total 140 Project approved by German National Agency. Here is the list for the approved projects
Erasmus, the world’s most successful student exchange programme. More than three million students have benefitted from a study period or work placement abroad since the creation of the
Turkish National Agency has announced the results for KA1-KA2- and KA3 for youth Round 1 2016. Totally 1049 application has been received and total 148 project funded
This Key Action supports: Mobility of learners and staff: opportunities for students, trainees, young people and volunteers, as well as for professors, teachers, trainers, youth workers, staff
PROTECTION AND SAFETY OF PARTICIPANTS Protection and safety of participants involved in the Erasmus+ projects are important principles of the Programme. All persons participating in the Erasmus+ Programme
This statistical release provides overall statistics for the number of applications received during Call Rounds 1 and 2 of 2015 to the decentralised actions of Erasmus+ in the
Thinking of submitting an Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Youth application for the 2016 Call? This recorded webinar gives you step-by-step guidance and support on completing the application form.
This Partnership-building Activity is for 24 participants from Russian Federation, Eastern Partnership countries , Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries and recommended for Youth workers, Project managers, EVS coordinators Partnership-building Activity 18-25
This Training Course is for 30 participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Project Factory – Training course to develop cross-sectorial projects for youth at risk and in NEET
Mobility Tool+ is a web platform tool for collaboration, management and reporting for mobility projects under the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) and under the Erasmus+ Programme of the
The course is designed to help teachers to start using Web 2.0 technologies in everyday classroom in a practical and realistic way, especially blogs Blogger and Wiki Edmodo.
The course is designed to help teachers realize the potential of innovative methodology using collaborative work in everyday classroom practice by investigating the added value of project-based approach.
Let’s make our school more international: European Project Planning, Design, Management and Funding under Erasmus+ The “European Project Planning” training course is addressed to individuals and organizations who
Coaching in educational contexts to reduce early school leaving Reducing Early School Leaving is one of the priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategic framework for Education and Training
As you know, Erasmus+ has a limited budget which is allocated on a competitive basis, based on a scoring system. Here we give our top twenty tips to help you
VET towards ECVET covers the consideration of ECVET in trainings related to tourism. We notably focus on 2 sectors : hotel receptionist and seller in touristic areas. This
With regard to an extremely difficult economic situation in Europe (high unemployment rate in particular of youngsters e.g. in Spain) and to the lack of professional orientation in
ICT-Mobile Application and digital literacy are growing to be increasingly relevant in the global market today. On one hand, Europe is in the midst of digitizing its own