Naturally empowered: Activate others Salto Training Course in Hungary
|raining Course 11-18 May 2017 | TBC, Hungary
Naturally empowered: Activate others
“Naturally Empowered: Activate Others” training course is focusing on the use of outdoor and nature-based training elements as educational tools to tackle the issue of youth empowerment and active participation.
Association of Hungarian Girl Guides (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from:
Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, United Kingdom
Application deadline:
19 February 2017
Naturally empowered: Activate others
Training Course
11-18 May 2017 | TBC, Hungary
“Naturally Empowered: Activate Others” training course seeks to improve the level of key competences and skills of youth workers to use outdoor & nature-based training methods, approaches and experiential training elements as tools for youth empowerment in order to improve the quality of the work of youth organizations and to reach further into the European dimension of youth work. Through this TC we also aim to develop the quality of youth work across Europe.
Youth workers, volunteers, trainers and all those who work with young people need more creative, innovative and effective methods and techniques both to engage young people and to give them the tools to empower themselves. Through this project we target this group and provide the solution to this problem through taking part in non-formal educational project.
The training course was designed according to the following objectives:
– To improve knowledge of the theoretical and pedagogical background of outdoor & nature-based education and experiential learning methods
– To introduce outdoor/nature-based and experiential training methods and understand their effectiveness as tools for youth empowerment and active participation
– To explore, understand, analyse and improve the quality of experiential learning and outdoor tools as educational methods
– To provide space for participants for discussion, sharing best practices and to develop their training skills and competences
– To improve knowledge about the Erasmus+ Youth Programme as a tool for improving the quality and enhancing the international dimension of youth work through outdoor & nature-based activities
– To improve ability to transfer outdoor education, nature-based methods and experiential learning concepts into youth work practice and projects in the Erasmus+ Youth Programme
At the end of the training course, our participants will be motivated to participate more actively in the lives of their organisations, develop more projects with and for young people using a diverse set of nature based and outdoor training elements and will be better equipped to provide higher quality of youth work due to their experience and use of different innovative & effective methods.
This training course will be experiential and based on an interactive and participative approach. Learning from each other and learning by doing will be central to the process, as will our programme, designed to inspire creativity, active participation and a safe and exciting learning field.
It is an 8 days long training course with 24 participants and 4 trainers/facilitators/experts/logistic assistants from the following countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and the United Kingdom. During the training methods of non-formal and informal education will be used, with a special attention given to nature based and outdoor training elements, such as modern movements and techniques including forest schools, outdoor education pedagogy, deep ecology and rites of passage work and creative non-formal approaches. Participants will get information about about Youthpass and the Erasmus+ Programme.